Embrace Every Season in Jinan: Blossoming International Friendships


From September 5 to 7, at the invitation of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, a delegation of 99 Japanese university students led by renowned Japanese writer Risa Wataya, representing the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association, visited Jinan.


  During their visit, the delegation explored major attractions such as the No. 1 Spring Scenic Area, the Baotu Spring Cultural Block, and the Shandong Handicraft Exhibition and Experience Center. They also toured the Jinan High-tech Zone Exhibition Hall, the Bloomage Hyaluronic Acid World Museum, and the Geely Auto Jinan Manufacturing Base, gaining an in-depth understanding of Jinan’s spring water culture, experiencing the beauty of the City of Springs, and witnessing the vibrant economic and social development of Jinan.


  At the Shandong Handicraft Exhibition and Experience Center, the delegation visited the Shanghai Handicraft Store, the Shandong Arts and Crafts Store, and the Qilu Style Exhibition Hall. They had the opportunity to closely appreciate the unique handmade products from the nine provinces along the Yellow River, and witness firsthand the seamless blend of traditional Shandong craftsmanship with modern techniques.


  At the Bloomage Hyaluronic Acid World Museum, the group toured the science exhibition hall, the functional skincare production workshop, and the hyaluronic acid industry exhibition hall, gaining comprehensive insight into Bloomage’s achievements in high-tech fields and experiencing the driving force behind Jinan’s economic and industrial growth.


  At the Geely Auto Jinan Manufacturing Base, the delegation visited the stamping, welding, and assembly workshops, as well as the high-tech product exhibition hall. They gained a close-up look at the entire automotive manufacturing process and enjoyed an immersive experience in the perfect fusion of technology and culture, expressing admiration for Jinan's remarkable achievements in advanced manufacturing.


  As part of the “Embrace Every Season in Jinan” series of events, this visit offered the Japanese student delegation a tangible and vivid display of Jinan’s rich culture, technological innovation, and modern development.

(Source: Jinan Foreign Affairs Office)